This sadistic thrillseeker enjoys the strife and suffering of others, taking immense joy in obliterating her foes. Without revenge against M. Bison as a motivator, she whiles away her time in a gloomy haze.

Hates: Buzzkills, rules

Likes: Motorcycles, spiders

Height: 5'5

Weight: 126 lbs

  • Renko Kicks

  • [Boosted]Ankensatsu

  • Go Ohsatsu

  • SA2 Feng Shui Engine(Rush)

  • [Chain combo]Korenzan

  • OD Ankensatsu

  • Parry Drive Rush

  • H Fuhajin

  • H Tensenrin

  • Death Crest(2)

  • [Boosted]Saihasho

  • CA Kaisen Dankai Raku

  • OD Saihasho

  • [Chain combo]Kyosesho

  • Ankensatsu

  • Kyosesho

  • Zanka-sen

  • Backward Dash

  • Perfect Parry (projectile)

  • OD Shiren-sen

  • Shadow Kick Throw

  • Drive Impact: Sekkan Kick

  • Drive Parry

  • Saihasho

  • Drive Reversal: Kaita Raid

  • L Fuhajin

  • OD Tensenrin

  • Shiren-sen

  • SA3 Kaisen Dankai Raku

  • [Chain combo]Senkai Kick

  • M Fuhajin

  • M Tensenrin

  • Shiku-sen

  • Perfect Parry (strike)

  • L Tensenrin

  • [Chain combo]Renko Kicks

  • Korenzan

  • Death Crest(3)

  • OD Fuhajin

  • SA1 Sakkai Fuhazan

  • Senkai Kick

  • [Boosted]Go Ohsatsu

  • OD Go Ohsatsu

  • OD Shiku-sen

  • SA2 Feng Shui Engine

  • Spider Fang Throw

  • Forward Dash

  • Cancel Drive Rush